Victor Barac (Ph.D., M.A., B.Sc.) is a cultural anthropologist and a recipient of the University of Toronto Connaught Graduate Scholarship. Since 1999, as an applied anthropologist, he has designed and conducted ethnographic research in Canada, the USA, and the UK. He is currently involved in linguistically based research on hip hop in contemporary Serbia and the Balkans.
- Globe and Mail - Report on Business - (A feature article on my consulting work as an applied anthropologist. Link to PDF file.)
- National Post - Financial Post - (Report on a talk I gave on the high-tech reorganization of work at an IBM sponsored event. Link to PDF file.)
- Bang & Olufsen - Danish Research Report on Coolness and Brand Positioning Strategy (An elite electronics brand report refers to my my coolness and branding research on pages 39-41. Link to PDF file in Danish.)
- European Journal of English Studies (Cites my research as leading scholarly movement to rescue the legacy of artist and writer Wyndham Lewis in Canada. Link to full article in PDF file.)